On the other side of the portal, the Heroes find themselves in the Madhouse, a town built in a huge cavern in Pandesmos, first layer of Pandemonium. What was supposed to be a quick escapade to avoid the mobs of Bedlam soon turns into a nightmare, as Serghor and Zark are taken by madness, and turn against their companions.
Serghor escapes into town, with Meghera going after him. When she manages to corner him into an empty home, she subdues him, and then banishes him back to the Outlands, somewhere in view of Glorium, gate-town to Ysgard.
Zark unleashes his magical powers on the locals, soon inciting a new riot on this side of the portal! Vaako intervenes, knocking the githyanki out, and finding refuge in a warehouse full of life-sized dolls.
In the meanwhile, Sai crosses the portal again, back to Bedlam. He tricks the gathered mobs and the Sarex looking for them into believing he crossed back to Pandemonium, and after his pursuers enter the portal looking for him, he lies low until the way is free. Then he makes his way back to the portal that will bring him to Sigil.
Back in the Madhouse, when the waters calm down, Meghera, Vaako and Zark make their way to Bedlam, and then stealthily leave through the portal to Sigil, where Meghera delivers the ashes she gathered from Bedlam to the Gentleman. Serghor, after spending a couple of days in the wilderness around Glorium, recovers his wits, and makes his way back to Sigil.
* * *
Zark's studies into achieving immortality through necromantic powers lead him to a discovery: one of the ingredients necessary for his ritual is a sample of the purest razorvine, something that can only be found in the Abyss, or near the portal to the Abyss in the gate-town of Plague-Mort.
The necromancer hires the other Heroes to accompany him in his quest. Vaako prepares an alchemical solution that will keep the razorvine preserved after it is harvested, and Meghera uses her contacts in Sigil to aquire the location of a portal to Plague-Mort, to be found inside the Hall of Records!
The Heroes infiltrate the Fated's HQ under false pretenses, and manage to reach the portal, which also happens to be the entrance to the Taxation Records Archive. After all the others have entered the portal, Zark looks at the gathered papers one last time, and then casts a fireball spell inside the room! As the fire spreads, Zark enters the portal.
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