Saturday, September 3, 2016

Session 33

Heroes: Meghera, Serghor, Zark, Vaako

The Heroes receive a visit from the Gentleman. Zadara wishes for them to travel to Bedlam, the gate-town to Pandemonium, to retrieve a sample of volcanic ash from the detritus around the portal. 

When they arrive in Bedlam, they find themselves in the darkness, surrounded by the wailing madmen of the barmy town. One particularly terrifying screech pierces the darkness, and the light of a single torch can be seen in the distance. When they approach, they find the corpse of a gruesomly mutilated githzerai.

Before they have a chance to leave, they're assaulted by the Sarex, a group of thugs enforcing the "law" in Bedlam. The Heroes try to resist capture, but the Sarex are too many, and they are taken into custody.

The day after, the Heroes are brought to trial, to be judged by Trictacalus, a decaton modron. But it is clear that the trial is just a farce, as fake witnesses are called to testify against the Heroes. When Trictacalus finds the Heroes guilty, he commands the guards to bring them to his quarters for a private talk.

Away from prying ears, Trictacalus confesses to be a prisoner of the city of Bedlam, and asks the Heroes to help him escape to Pandemonium, where the Modron March as recently gone to. The Heroes take their chances with the modron, and escape from the courthouse.

They first inflitrate the prison to retrieve their equipment, by inciting a riot of the barmy citizens against the Sarex. Then, with magic, acrobatic feats, and a silver tongue, they make their way through the labyrinth of crazed streets, with screaming mobs of townsfolk running after them looking to rip them apart.

As they reach the portal to Pandemonium, the winds of the Lower Plane wash over them, shattering what sanity was left in Serghor, and leaving Vaako dazed. Meghera manages to gather some of the ash, and they they all enter the portal.

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