Heroes: Meghera, Serghor, Zark, Trull
Back in Glorium (portal town to Ysgard) Serghor is enjoying a few ales and bold stories with the half-orc barbarian Trull. But when Taraere uses her summoning ritual again, the both of them are snatched away by the spell, and thrown into the Abyss.
The other Heroes rapidly update them on their situation, and together they continue their travels to the Fortress of the Fallen Stair.
After a few hours trudging through the red sands, the Fortress looms ahead. The gates are wide open, and no guardian stands at the ready. The Heroes make their way in the compound, where they face several hordes of tanaar'ri competing for the favour of their Demon Lord, or simply for ground.
As an additional complication, it looks like Meghera is bearing an invisible mark that identifies her as an enemy of the tanaar'ri.
With the right amount of violence and luck, the Heroes maange to reach a library full of rotten tomes. The only inhabitant of the chamber is an arcanoloth fiend, guarding the Mors Mysterium Nominum, the very tome Taraere is here to retrieve.
Taraere angrily demands that the arcanaloth hand the book over. The Heroes can sense that the spell of control over them is about to end, and they decide to attack Taraere! After killing the sorceress, the Heroes manage to anger the arcanoloth, provoking a fight. The fiend unleashes terrible magic at them, but they defeat him.
As they look at the magical tome, they feel that the summoning spell has run his course, and it is about to send them back whence they came.
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