Heroes: Meghera, Serghor, Zark, Trull, So-Kehur
The Heroes spring into action, attacking one of the githyanki ships escorted by dragon-riders. So-Kehur wears the Crown, and begins harnessing its power. As his mental influence begins to spread into town, affecting friends and foes, Serghor appeals to the divine power of Magic; even though his prayers seem to fall on deaf ears, a rift begins to open in the silvery sky of the Astral Plane.
The battle for the Swallowed Town rages on, with the Astral Warrior and the Mages' Guild fighting alongside the Heroes against the githyanki marauders. The rift created by Serghor expands, becoming wide enough for whatever is on the other side to step through. To the Heroes' surprise, a skyship comes flying out of the portal; on its side, painted in golden letter, are the words "Golden Dragon".
This new arrival quickly joins the Heroes' side, supporting them with artillery until So-Kehur gives in to the Crown's power, unleashing a devastating wave of mental energy on the town. The githyanki are routed, and Aurus the "hero" is revealed as the coward he really is. As he grovels in front of his townsfolk, the Heroes realise that the Crown has been "repaired".
The Heroes turn their attention to the crew of the Golden Dragon; they don't seem to know much about the Great Wheel of the Multiverse, but they look like quick learners. They offer to accompany the Heroes to Pitiless to deliver the Crown, and then to the Athar Citadel. The Heroes accept, and propose to show the city of Sigil to some of the officers, so that they may get more information about life in the Planes. After delivering the Crown to Pitiless, the Heroes return to Sigil, their mission accomplished.
* * *
Having never forgotten the events occurred in the Maze of the Lady, and the death of her former companions, Meghera asks Trull to track a fellow Mercykiller, an half-elf wizard named Kayle. When Trull confronts Kayle in the Mercykillers HQ (the Prison), the half-elf admits to have defeated a party of adventurers in the Lady's Maze, but dismisses the matter as one more mission in the service of his faction. Yet, when Trull mentions Meghera's name, from a nearby cell, one of the inmates whispers that name again, attracting their attention.
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