Sunday, December 11, 2016

Session 44

Heroes: Meghera, Jebel the Kyton, Kulzu the Hamatula

Meghera is in Hell, kneeling at the feet of the Pit Fiend Gallus. The abishai that saved her from Undermountain have brought to his obsidian fortress, and now she must repay her debt.

Gallus gives her a dangerous mission: she must travel to the Field of Nettles, in Hades, where a battle between the tanaar'ri and the baatezu has recently concluded with the almost total annihilation of both armies. In the baatezu camp, she must retrieve the battle plans of the Pit Fiend general that was forced to retreat. To keep an eye on her during this mission, Gallus sends Jebel and Kulzu, two resourceful devils eager for advancement.

The party travels to Hades by way of a portal, and then enlists the service of a marraenoloth fiend to sail the Styx to the Field of Nettles. But the treacherous boatman delivers them to the tanaar'ri side of the field, leaving them to cross the full length of the gruesome landscape. Almost 300 miles of fiendish corpses separates them from their destination.

During the two weeks of travel, they contend with the many dangers of the Field of Nettles, avoiding as best they can to get caught by the blood-sucking vines, and fighting whatever fiend is still left alive among the many millions that died on the battlefield.

When they finally reach the baatezu encampment, they must fight two remaining cornugon devils in order to final retrieve the battle plans. While studying the plans, ironically they discover that the recent battle was nothing more than a diversion... a diversion where almost a billion fiends perished.

Before leaving Hades, Meghera takes the opportunity to murder both Jebel and Kulzu, fearing they may betray her later. When she reaches one more tributary of the Styx, she find an unmanned boat. Unwilling to wait for one more treacherous fiend, she begins to stir the boat herself.

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